Rose Aguilar
Host, Your CallRose Aguilar has been the host of Your Call since 2006. She became a regular media roundtable guest in 2001. In 2019, the San Francisco Press Club named Your Call the best public affairs program. In 2017, The Nation named it the most valuable local radio show.
Rose has written for Al Jazeera English, The Guardian, Truthout, The Nation, and AlterNet. In 2014, Flyaway Productions turned her Nation cover story about older homeless women into a dance performance.
She's a member of the Native American Journalists Association and mentor-editor for The OpEd Project, an organization that works to increase the range of voices we hear in the media.
In 2005, Rose took a six-month road trip through the so-called red states to learn about why people vote the way they do (or not). She wrote about her journey in Red Highways: A Journey into the Heartland.
Before joining KALW, Rose published a newsletter about women's issues and was a reporter and weekend host for CNET Radio, where she covered technology's impact on society. In college, she ran the TV and radio news departments and DJ'd a heavy metal show.
Rose's interests include hiking, vegan living, live music, and spending as much time underwater as possible.
We're opening the lines to find out what you want to hear on Your Call during these unprecedented times. How do you want us to cover what's happening in DC and beyond?
Research shows that a plant-based diet is the best way to prevent chronic disease and improve overall health. What do you want to know about the latest science?
After experiencing various health issues, three people share their stories about how a plant-based diet transformed their lives and improved their overall wellbeing.
Only one-third of US adults have discussed end-of-life wishes. The Stanford Letter Project gives you the tools to ensure you and your loved ones are prepared.
Research shows that a fiber-rich diet can lower the risk of early death, but only five percent of Americans eat the recommended amount of fiber each day.
Though hospice began as a nonprofit movement, more than 70 percent of hospice providers are for-profit. How is this affecting patient care and transitioning with dignity?
Hospice provides comprehensive in-home care and support for people who are approaching the end of their life. What will it take to ensure people transition with dignity?
Research shows that nearly 25 percent of cancer cases & many chronic diseases could be prevented with nutrition. We'll discuss simple ways to eat more plant-based foods.
UCSF Dr. Donald Abrams has been a leader in the field of integrative oncology for decades. He says nutrition plays an essential role in cancer treatment and prevention.
Dr. Dean Ornish has conducted groundbreaking research showing that chronic diseases can be reversed and prevented with diet and lifestyle changes.