Today is Monday March 12, 2018. It is the 71st day of the year
There are 294 days remaining until the end of the year.
239 days until mid-term elections Tuesday November 6, 2018
(7 months and 25 days from today)
967 days until presidential election on Tuesday November 3, 2020
( 2 years 7 months and 22 days from today)
the sun rises today at 7:24 am
and sunset will be at 7:16 pm.
Today we will have 11 hours and 52 minutes of daylight.
Solar noon will be at 1:20 pm.
the first low tide was at 2:57 am
and the next low tide will be at 3:33 pm.
The first high tide will be at 8:38 am
and the next high tide at 10:43 pm.
Moon: 23.0%
Waning Crescent
Moon Direction:↑ 119.94° ESE
Moon Altitude:4.88°
Moon Distance:250987 mi
Next Moonset:Today2:51 pm
New Moon in 5 days on Saturday the 17th of March of 2018 at 6:12 am
First Quarter Moon n in 12 days on Saturday the 24th of March of 2018 at 8:35 am
Full Moon in 19 days on Saturday the 31th of March of 2018 at 5:37 am
Last Quarter Moon in 26 days on Sunday the 8th of April of 2018 at 12:18 am
Today is…
Commonwealth Day
Fill Our Staplers Day
Girl Scout Day
National Alfred Hitchcock Day
National Baked Scallops Day
National Plant a Flower Day
National Workplace Napping Day
It is also…
Arbor Day in China, as well Taiwan
World Day Against Cyber Censorship (initiated by Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International in 2009)
Tree Day in the Republic of Macedonia
Youth Day in Zambia
on this day in Women’s history…
March 12, 1912 – First-ever Girl Scouts meeting is held in Savannah, Ga. The organization has grown to 2.7 million members.
March 12, 1968 – Tammy Duckworth is born. She became the first disabled woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the second Asian-American woman in the Senate.
and on this day in in 1994 – The Church of England ordains its first female priests.
Last Friday the 9th of March saw the 94th Happy Birthday to San Francisco author Herbert Gold. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio,and raised in Lakewood, a community he was later to memorialize in his first book, Birth of a Hero, published in 1951 by Viking Press. He became involved with the burgeoning Beat Generation, which resulted in a lifelong friendship with writer Allen Ginsberg. After the birth of his two daughters he settled in San Francisco, where he became an important fixture in the literary scene. His many books of fiction, short stories, and essays include The Man Who Was Not with It (1956) and his latest, Still Alive!: A Temporary Condition (A Memoir)(2008)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share this day with…
1685 – George Berkeley, Irish bishop and philosopher (d. 1753)
1896 – Jesse Fuller, American singer-songwriter and musician (d. 1976)
1918 – Elaine de Kooning, American painter and academic (d. 1989)
1922 – Jack Kerouac, American author and poet (d. 1969)
1923 – Wally Schirra, American captain, pilot, and astronaut (d. 2007)
1928 – Edward Albee, American director and playwright (d. 2016)
1932 – Andrew Young, American pastor and politician, 14th United States Ambassador to the United Nations
1933 – Barbara Feldon, American actress
1940 – Al Jarreau, American singer (d. 2017)
1942 – Ratko Mladić, Serbian general
1946 – Liza Minnelli, American actress, singer, and dancer
1947 – Mitt Romney, American businessman and politician, 70th Governor of Massachusetts
1948 – James Taylor, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
1962 – Darryl Strawberry, American baseball player and minister
1969 – Jake Tapper, American journalist and author
1970 – Dave Eggers, American author and screenwriter
1987 – Jessica Hardy, American swimmer
…and on this day in history…
538 – Vitiges, king of the Ostrogoths ends his siege of Rome and retreats to Ravenna, leaving the city in the hands of the victorious Byzantine general, Belisarius
1622 – Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier, founders of the Society of Jesus, are canonized by the Roman Catholic Church
1894 – Coca-Cola is bottled and sold for the first time in Vicksburg, Mississippi, by local soda fountain operator Joseph A. Biedenharn.
1930 – Mahatma Gandhi begins the Salt March, a 200-mile march to the sea to protest the British monopoly on salt in India.
1933 – Great Depression: Franklin D. Roosevelt addresses the nation for the first time as President of the United States. This is also the first of his "fireside chats".
2009 – Financier Bernard Madoff pleads guilty in New York to scamming $18 billion, the largest in Wall Street's history.
2011 – A reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant melts and explodes and releases radioactivity into the atmosphere a day after Japan's earthquake