On this edition of Your Call, we’ll discuss Senate Bill 827, a sweeping proposal intended to build more housing near public transportation in California.
Supporters say it’s the most ambitious attempt yet to bring down the cost of housing while reducing carbon emissions. Opponents say it’s a giveaway to developers, will accelerate gentrification and will undermine community control. What do you want to know about SB 827?
Mashael Majid, program manager of equitable development at Urban Habitat, a nonprofit seeking to confront structural inequities impacting historically disenfranchised communities in the Bay Area
Louis Mirante, legislative and partnerships director for California YIMBY, a statewide group that advocates for the development of housing and is sponsoring SB 827
Web Resources:
CityLab: California's Housing Prices Need to Come Down
TransForm CA: Our take on the great housing density debate
State Senator Scott Wiener: SB 827 Amendments: Affordability, Transit Lines, Height, Ellis Act Protections & More
Market Urbanism Report: My Tranist Density Bill (SB 827): Answering common questions and debunking misinformation
Visualize Transit-Rich Housing