What should corporate responsibility should look like for the plastics and packaging industry. Given the overwhelming amount of plastics that end up in the environment, what responsibility do the manufacturers of disposable plastic and packaging products have for limiting and cleaning up this waste? Do we need more legislation to hold corporations responsible? And who's really making the decisions in this industry? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar, and You. (originally broadcast 3/28/13)
Annie Leonard, creator and author of “The Story of Stuff” and “The Story of Electronics”
Martin Bourque, executive director of the Ecology Center in Berkeley
Conrad MacKerron, senior program director with ‘As You Sow’ Corporate Social Responsibility Program
The Ecology Center
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Electronics
Discovery: How much plastic is thrown away in the United States each year?
Ends Europe: Sea Change for Marine Litter
Post Noon: Should companies that sell products in plastic packaging pay for recycling?
Europa: Environment: What should we do about plastic waste? New Green Paper opens EU-wide reflection
European Commission: Plastic Waste
Sierra Club: Producer Responsibility Recycling