This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...
"Arctic Sound, Lost and Found," produced by Jennifer Kingsley, originally aired on Radiotonic, December 2014.
The podcast, Radiotonic is a haven of audio auteurs who are obsessed with creating lush, sonic palettes that not only serve as background to a narrative, but become active vehicles for the story. Produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Radiotonic is a mix of fiction, non-fiction, essays and drama from writers, artists and radio makers. Recently, they produced a story, taking us to a part of the world which is known for its solitude and silence. My advice as you listen to this story? Relax. Let the sounds wash over you, and the images build in your mind.
This story was recorded and produced by Jennifer Kingsley along with RN’s Creative Audio Unit from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It originally aired on the podcast Radiotonic, which releases a new episode every week through their podcast feed. You can find ABC's Radiotonic and Soundproof podcasts on iTunes."
Surf School," produced by Scott Carrier, September 2003.
On our next sonic adventure, we’re heading to Hawaii. Scott Carrier has been a regular contributor to This American Life since the show’s beginning. He’s also an author, Peabody award-winning radio producer, and educator. Inspired by music, he decided to make his surfing dreams a reality, and also painstakingly record the entire experience.
This piece was produced by Scott Carrier for the public radio show, The Savvy Traveler. Scott launched his own podcast earlier this year, and it’s been on steady rotation in my headphones ever since. It’s called Home of the Brave, and you can hear more at
This week's episode featured music from: Black Moth Super Rainbow, Mooninite, Jon Brion (*swoon*), and The Mermen.
If you have a suggestion for a podcast or an audio project we should feature, please drop us a line at
Tune in next week for another episode of The Spot, only on KALW San Francisco.