On today's Your Call we’ll talk about the failed affordable care act website and how the government can do better. According to a recent OpEd in the New York Times, “HealthCare.gov is only the latest episode in a string of information technology debacles by the federal government.” So what’s behind this trend? And why is it so critical that the government get it right, when it comes to large scale web platforms? Join the conversation on the next Your Call with Holly Kernan and You.
Clay Johnson, chief executive officer of the Department of Better Technology
Abhi Nemani, co-executive director of Code for America
Fred Mindlin, associate director for Technology Integration in Education
NY Times: Why the Government Never Gets Tech Right
Department of Better Technology
Fred Mindlin: Turning Tricks with Technology
Next City: ‘Department of Better Technology’ Wants to Streamline the Open Government Process
NPR: ACA Website: Is Government Technology Doomed To Fail?
Smart Cities by Anthony Townsend