On today's Your Call we’re having a discussion on the impact solar is making on California’s energy economy. The plummeting cost of solar, as well as government initiatives, have made it more and more accessible to families low-income homes. What has changed to make solar so affordable? How will increased access to solar change our energy landscape? And how are utilities companies responding? Join the conversation on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar, and you.
Tim Sears, co-founder and CFO/COO of GRID Alternatives, a non-profit solar installation company that focuses on helping low-income families get solar
Chris Nelder, energy analyst and author of “Profit from the Peak” and “Investing in Renewable Energy”
Web Resources:
GreenTechMedia (Chris Nedler) - Can the Utility Industry Survive the Energy Transition?
NYT - Putting Robots to work in Solar Energy
Bloomberg - Battery-stored Solar Sparks Backlash from Utilities
Clean Technica - Shared Renewables Could Supercharge California’s Clean Energy Economy
Green Tech Media - AB 237 - The Dark Side for California Solar