On the July 30th, 2014 edition of Your Call, we're talking about what skills are necessary for success in the digital age. The Department of Labor predicts that there will be 1.2 million new computer-science related jobs by 2022, but fewer computer science majors are graduating today compared to the 1980's. Is coding the key to securing a good paying job? If so, how can we make it accessible to all? How are organizations reaching out to underserved communities? Join us on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Annette Vee, assistant professor in the English Department at the University of Pittsburgh
Jim Ryan, STEM Executive Director of the San Francisco Unified School District
Kimberly Bryant, founder of Black Girls Code
Web Resources:
Annette Vee's blog: Is coding the new literacy everyone should learn? Moving beyond yes and no
MotherJones: Is Coding the New Literacy?
PBS NewsHour: Computer Science's Diversity Problem Starts Early
Time: Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?
San Francisco Business Times: San Francisco seeks STEM help from tech community
WYNC's New Tech City: The Way We Teach Computing Hurts Women
Pando: SFUSD Partnering with Mission Bit to integrate coding curriculum
New York Times: How to Get Girls Into Coding