On the July 19th edition of Your Call, we’ll discuss the planned protests during the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Tens of thousands of civil rights, anti-poverty and anti-war activists are expected to rally and protest.
In Cleveland, where the Republican convention takes place this week, as many as 10,000 plastic handcuffs have been purchased, jail cells have been emptied, and courts will be open until 1 a.m. How are activists on the ground planning? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Bill Taylor, lead organizer of March on DNC
Larry Bresler, executive director of Organize!Ohio
April Glaser, journalist, and a fellow at the Wired magazine
web Resources:
NBC: Meet the Organizers Behind Planned Protests at Philly DNC in July
Fast Company: Cleveland's RNC "Event Zone" May Be A Petri Dish For Violence
Slate: How Protesters at the RNC Can Protect Themselves From Digital Surveillance