On the April 29th edition of Your Call, we’ll talk about the state of independent booksellers. On Saturday, bookstores from Mendocino to Maine will celebrate Independent Bookstore Day, with special events and unique publications created to mark the day. The Bay Area has seen a resurgence in independent bookstores, with some local chains growing, while others have closed down. How is your favorite independent bookstore changing? It’s Your Call with Hana Baba, and you.
Samantha Schoech, program director of Independent Bookstore Day on May 2
Amy Thomas, owner of Pegasus and Pendragon bookstores in Berkeley and Oakland
Alan Beatts, founder and owner of Borderlands, a bookshop in the Mission district that specializes in science fiction
Web resources:
SF Chron: California Bookstore Day Goes Nationwide
The Guardian: Have Borderlands Books in San Francisco hit on a survival formula?