This week, we’ll discuss coverage of corporate lobbying, and how it is influencing the Republican Party's economic and healthcare policies.
According to reports, healthcare insurance companies and the Koch Brothers' network of donors have spent over $100 million to defeat the Affordable Care Act. How are the media reporting on the ties between Donald Trump, the Republicans, the Koch network, and right-wing corporate lobbyists?
Carrie Levine, investigative reporter covering the influence of money in politics for the Center for Public Integrity
Lee Fang, investigative reporter covering the intersection of money and politics for The Intercept
Web Resources:
The Intercept: Paul Ryan Fundraised With Health Insurance Lobbying Firm Just Before His PowerPoint
The Center for Public Integrity: Billionaires and corporations helped fund Donald Trump's transition
NY Times: Patience Gone, Koch-Backed Groups Will Pressure G.O.P. on Health Repeal
Politico: Trump’s Koch administration
The Guardian: Robert Mercer: the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media