On the March 9th edition of Your Call, we'll examine the history of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge regime.
The documentary "Daze of Justice" follows survivors now living in the U.S. as they travel back to Cambodia in search of justice. The brutal regime led by Pol Pot claimed the lives of an estimated 1.7 million people from 1975 to 1979. The documentary debuts Saturday, March 12th at the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) Fest.
What does justice look like after genocide? It's Your Call with guest host me, Hana Baba and you.
Michael Siv, filmmaker, “Daze of Justice”
Web Resources:
CAAM Fest 2016
New York Times: Genocide Trial Begins for Khmer Rouge Leaders
History: Pol Pot
Yale: Cambodian Genocide Program
Yale: Bombs over Cambodia
Independent Lens: Refugee