What will it take to make the University of California’s budget process more transparent? On the January 29th edition of Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about the UC budget. California Governor Jerry Brown and UC President Janet Napolitano are clashing over Napolitano’s request for a significant tuition hike. Meantime, University doctors have walked off the job for the first time ever to protest what they call unfair labor practices. What will it take to get the UC system to provide information about its finances? It’s Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.
Chris Newfield, professor of literature and American studies at UC Santa Barbara, author of Unmaking the Public University
Dan Walters, veteran journalist and columnist for the Sacramento Bee
Kevin Sabo, board chair of the UC Student Association, political science major at UC Berkeley
Web resources:
SacBee: Jerry Brown and Janet Napolitano Form Committee of Two
Inside Higher Ed: The Higher Ed Austerity Deal is Falling Apart
The Daily Cal:The High-Flying Job of Fundraising for UC Berkeley
KQED: As Brown and Napolitano Meet, A Look Back at UC’s Historic Autonomy
LA Times: A Battle for UC’s Soul
The Daily Caller: University Doctors Walk Off the Job For First Time in 43 Year History