How does private financing for public infrastructure work?
US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says the Trump administration’s $1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan will include transportation, energy, water and potentially broadband and veterans hospitals. Rather than just directly funding projects, Chao says the plan is to offer tax incentives to encourage public-private partnerships. We’ll look at the outlines of the administration's plan, and the history of private investment in public infrastructure.
Kevin DeGood, director of infrastructure policy at the Center for American Progress
David Dayen, freelance reporter and contributor to the Nation and the Intercept, and author of Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
Web Resources:
The Center for American Progress: The Hazards of Noncompete Clauses in Public-Private Partnership Deals
The American Society of Civil Engineers
New York Times: In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works
VOX: Donald Trump's infrastructure plan wouldn't actually fix America's infrastructure problems