The Spot
The Spot was KALW’s weekly showcase for the best in public radio podcasts, including 99% Invisible, Blank on Blank, Kitchen Sisters Presents, Life of the Law, The Heart, Stanford Storytelling Project, Tiny Spark, and Youth Radio ... just to name a few. If you listen to a great podcast you think belongs on KALW's airwaves, please email thespot@kalw.org. Thanks!
Latest Episodes
That's right. The Spot is taking an indefinite break.This show began five years ago out of necessity. Since the burgeoning podcast medium didn't need to…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers... “So Much More Than Tacos,” from California…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers... “The Waves,” from the podcast The Trove,…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“Louie Louie: The Strange Journey of the…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers..."Frances McDormand & Risotto," excerpted…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“Big Sur: The Secret Road” from KCRW’s…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“Brains, Cars & Tigers,” from the podcast…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“Atmospheres,” from the "Landfall" season…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“The Self-Rattling House” from the podcast…
This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...“The New Art of Listening,” from Noise: A…